
What Were The Nails That Held Jesus To The Cross

What Held Jesus To The Cross?

past Pastor Lee Roberson, D.D.

"If k be the Son of God, come downward from the cantankerous." �Matthew 27:xl.

"And they that passed by reviled him, wagging their heads, "And saying, G that destroyest the temple, and buildest information technology in three days, save thyself. if thousand be the Son of God, come downwards from the cross. "As well likewise the master priests mocking him, with the scribes and elders, said, "He saved others; himself he cannot save. If he be the King of Israel, permit him at present come down from the cross, and we will believe him. "He trusted in God; allow him deliver him now, if he will have him: for he said, I am the Son of God. "The thieves also, which were crucified with him, cast the same in his teeth." �Matthew 27:39-44.

The Bible definitely tells us what held Jesus to the cross. It was not simply nails, though He was nailed to the cross. The Son of God, with power to raise the dead, heal the ill, make the blind to see, still the tempest-tossed sea, surely had power to footstep down from a cross, fifty-fifty though He was nailed to it.

It was non human being weakness which jump Him to the cross, for He said regarding His life, "No human taketh information technology from me, simply I lay it down of myself. I accept ability to lay it downwardly; I have power to have information technology again. This commandment have I received of my Father." John 10 :18.

It was not because He was friendless that He stayed on the cross. In the garden of Gethsemane, when Peter drew his sword and began to battle in defense force of the Master, Jesus said, "Thinkest grand not that I cannot now say to my Father, and He shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels?" The twelve legions of angels were still available when Jesus was on the cantankerous.

What then is the answer to the question, What held Jesus to the cross? Here is the answer.

I. HIS LOVE FOR U.s. HELD HIM TO THE Cantankerous.

Jesus said nothing and did naught when the scoffers passed by reviling Him and wagging their heads. They chosen to heed a statement that He had made regarding His expiry and resurrection. He had said that if they destroyed the temple, He would enhance information technology upwards in three days, He was speaking of Himself, but they thought He spoke of the temple in Jerusalem; therefore, they said, "Thou that destroyest the temple, and buildest it in three days, save thyself. If thousand be the Son of God, come downwards from the cantankerous."

The chief priests, the scribes, and the elders also came past and said, "He saved others; himself he cannot save. If he be the Male monarch of Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe him. He trusted in God; let him deliver him now, if he will have him."

Surely these taunting statements were enough to try the soul, even of the Son of God. He did not come downwards from the cross, for His dearest for a lost mankind held Him to the cross.

Many verses declare this great truth unto us. Jesus said, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." Paul tells us in Galatians ii:20 that the Son of God loved us, and gave Himself for us. John tells u.s.a. in I John 3:16, "Hereby perceive we the beloved of God, considering he laid down his life for u.s.a., and we ought to lay downwardly our lives for the brethren."

At that place are iii things I would like to say almost the love of Christ.

Start , His love was unusual. It is an ordinary, everyday thing for us to love those who beloved us, but Jesus loved those who hated Him. "Only God commendeth His love toward united states, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for united states." Romans 5:8.

Jesus loved His enemies, and even on the cross, He said, "Male parent, forgive them, for they know non what they do." The honey of Christ was unusual, and this is the love that He beseeches u.s.a. to have for our fellowman.

The story is told of Peter Miller, a plain Baptist preacher of Ephrata, Pennsylvania, in the days of the Revolutionary War. Near his church lived a human who abused the pastor to the last limit. The man became involved in treason, and was arrested and sentenced to be hanged. The old preacher started out on human foot, and walked the whole lxx miles to Philadelphia, that he might plead for the man�s life. Washington heard his plea, but he said, "No, your plea for your friend cannot exist granted."

"My friend !" said the preacher, "He is the worst enemy I have !" "What !" said Washington. "You have walked most seventy miles to salvage the life of an enemy. That puts the thing in a unlike light. I will grant the pardon."

That is what makes the love of Christ unusual. He loved His enemies, and this beloved bound Him to the cross.

Secondly , His love was unending. "Now, before the feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that His 60 minutes was come up that he should depart out of this world unto the Father, having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the finish."

Sometimes even the dear of a mother for her child fails. Occasionally even a father may plough against his own son, but the love of Jesus never fails. Information technology continued to the cantankerous�beyond the cross, and abounds unto us today. His beloved jump Him to the brutal tree.

Thirdly , His love was unselfish. Human had nothing to requite to Jesus that He did not have already. All things belong to Him. The silver and the gold, the cattle upon a thousand hills, and yet, the Saviour died in our behalf.

Information technology always seems like a foolish thing to beg people to receive Jesus, when the giving must exist all on His side. All nosotros can practise is surrender ourselves. There is nothing in a material way that we can give to God that He does not already have. All things are His past human action of creation, and yet, the Son of God condescended to die for us, and His unselfish love leap Him to the cross of Calvary. It is a rare and beautiful thing to run across people give and love when nothing tin can be given to them in return.

The Sunday School Times tells the story of a group of muddy, ragged, poor children who were waiting in a mission one afternoon for their teacher and leader to get in. They were children from the poorest homes. Near of them were hungry. All of them were familiar with hardships. As they saturday waiting, a boy appeared leading by the mitt two children, a little more forlorn looking than the others. The leader of the group jumped up and said, "Hey, fellows, these kids own�t got nobody to take intendance of them. They sleeps in a box, and own�t had nothing to eat today. Can�t we do something for �em?"

The crowd stared at the newcomers, and so i boy suggested, "Let�s accept upward a collection," and they did. Grimy hands plunged into the recesses of tattered garments for pennies, and the collection was taken. The upshot? - seven cents. A big commission was appointed to go to the nearest bakery, and invest the funds. Some minor cakes were bought, and these were put into the hands of the ii poor, hungry children. The rest of the muddy, ragged boys and girls gathered around to sentry the ii little ones consume their cakes. They were giving unselfishly.

When Jesus died upon the cross, bound by the divine beloved for poor, lost sinful mankind, His dearest was unselfish.

Two. HIS SUBMISSION TO GOD�South Volition HELD HIM TO THE Cantankerous.

The biting, angry mob, peculiarly the religious leaders told Him to come down from the cross if He were the Son of God. One of the malefactors railed on Him, saying, "If thou exist Christ, save thyself and us."

In the common parlance of today, they were saying, "If you are not a liar and a hypocrite, come down from the cross. If yous are such a big person, if you are what y'all claim to be, then testify us by coming down from the cross." Rut Jesus could not come up downwards, for His submission to God�s will jump Him to the rugged cantankerous.

Let me pause here to make this plea. May our lives be and so submissive to the will of God that we will be unable to do anything but say, "Thy volition exist done." May our submission to His holy volition bind us to separated living, to soul-winning, to consecrated service, to liberal giving, to earnest praying. May our submission to the Father�southward volition bind us to practice His divine purpose and plan for our lives.

Jesus said, "Lo, I come to exercise thy will." It was the will of God that He should dice for sinful mankind. It was the will of God that He should enter into the holy of holies, and there make one cede for sin forever. Information technology was the Father�due south will that He should pour out His claret upon Calvary�s hill. Jesus was submissive to the volition of God.


The trail of sin from the Garden of Eden to the present time is a bloody and tragic one.
Sin separates men from God, simply as it collection the start pair from the garden.
Sin brings shame. Adam and Eve sought to hibernate from God. Sinners are nevertheless aback, and try to hide their sins - therefore, men love darkness rather than light.
Sin brings sorrow. Come across it for yourself. The life of sin will end in sorrow. The abode of sin will cease in sorrow.
Sin brings suffering. All of the world�southward suffering came about because of sin. Mental anguish, physical suffering, all come up from sin.
But the crowning human action of sin�s dastardly career came in the death of Christ. But allow u.s. not stand up back and say, "Shame on you lot, sin, for crucifying the Saviour." For let united states of america remember it was our sins which nailed Him and held Him to the cross."

"But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed".

"All we like sheep have gone astray; we accept turned every ane to his own way: and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of u.s.a. all." Isaiah 53 :5,6

[1] He diameter our sins to satisfy the law of God. God�south law says, "The soul that sinneth it shall die." "The wages of sin is death." Because of our sins, nosotros deserve the penalty of decease and Hell, simply Christ came and died in our place. He satisfied the police force of God. God accepted His expiry as payment for our sins.

"Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem the states from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.

Who his own self diameter our sins in his ain trunk on the tree that nosotros existence dead to sins, should alive unto righteousness, by whose stripes ye were healed."

[ii] He took our sins that He might bear them away from us. John announced the ministry of Jesus by saying, "Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world." Just as the priest in Leviticus could lay his easily upon the head of a live goat and confess over him all the iniquities of the children of Israel, and all their transgressions, and send him away into the wilderness, so did Jesus bear our sins that He might behave them away from us.

The picture is also given in the Passover scene of the Lamb slain, and the blood put upon the door posts. Jesus is our sacrificial Lamb. His blood covers our sins, and releases united states from the penalization of hell. John writes, "And ye know that he was manifested to accept away our sin, and in him is no sin." I John 3 :5.

[3] He bore our sins in His ain body on the tree that He might bring usa unto God. The redemptive work of Jesus is to take out of this world a people for His name. The whole world will non be saved, merely some will be saved, and with them God is going to abide forever.

Yes, your sins and mine bound Him to the cross. Christ was fully conscious that only His decease could satisfy the police of God, bear away our sins, and bring u.s.a. unto the Heavenly Father. Therefore, though men scoffed at Him and accused Him of lying and hypocrisy, He stayed on the cross, bound by our sins, to the tree.

There is but 1 way open to the fair minded person who realizes that his sins nailed Jesus to the cross, and that is to receive Jesus as Saviour. He died that you might live. You cannot live without Him.

A big, brawny cultured athlete was one time asked why the word "mother" was and then sacred to him. In reply, he told how, when he was born, the medico told his father that either the female parent or the child must die. The dr. said, "Decide quickly, and then that I tin get to work." The immature athlete said, "My mother overheard what the doctor said, and putting her arms effectually my father, said to him, �I volition die. Let my baby live.� My mother passed abroad. She gave her life for me, but her supreme cede has enabled my whole being, and has endeared all mothers to me. Only Christ, my Saviour, could have washed more.

Come to Jesus today and alive. Let Him plunge all your sins in the fountain filled with blood. Allow Him write your name upon the Lamb�s book of life. Permit Him keep yous in the hollow of His hand. Receive Him as Saviour, and know the blessedness of salvation.

�I�ll become to Jesus, though my sin, like mountains circular me close, I know His courts, I�ll enter in, whatever may oppose;

Prostrate I�ll lie before His throne, and there my guilt confess, I�ll tell Him I�thousand a wretch undone, without His sovereign grace.

I can merely perish if I go � I am resolved to effort, For if I stay abroad, I know I must forever die."



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